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Banter Booster: speech therapy research, resources, practice tips, and more

Hi! I'm David.

Not quite as aquadynamic as the Hoff...

I spend too much time online reading about speech pathology practice, so you don't need to!

Can't trill? Learn with these tips!

New research: DLD genetics, treatment intensity for children with severe SSD, and a new emoji-based scale to measure the mood of clients who can't read

Applying evidence to practice by increasing intensity of intervention for children with severe speech sound disorder: a quality improvement project

Speech sound disorder (SSD) affects up to 25% of UK children and may impact on: effective communication; the development of relationships; school progression and overall well-being. The evidence base shows that intervention for children with SSD is more effective and efficient when provided intensively in relation to the number of target sounds elicited in sessions (dose) and number of sessions per week (frequency). Southern Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust's baseline intensity of speech and language therapy (SLT) intervention was similar to that often found in current practice across the UK,where ~30 target sounds were elicited (dose) in once weekly sessions (frequency) over a 6-week block, followed by a break from therapy. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to increase intensity of intervention for children with severe SSD within Southern HSC Trust’s community SLT service to improve outcomes for children and their parents. QI methods supported accurate identification of ten 4–5 year olds with severe SSD and increased the intensity of their intervention over a 12-week period by measuring a range of data and speech outcomes. Findings showed a sustainable increase of dose (number of targets elicited per session) to levels recommended in the research (≥70). However, it was difficult to sustain increased frequency of appointments (to twice weekly) because of contextual factors such as sickness, etc. Accommodating this, measuring days between appointments captured an overall increase in the number of appointments attended across time. Child speech outcomes improved for direct speech measures and parent ratings of intelligibility. The intensive model of intervention has been implemented for children identified with severe SSD across Southern HSC Trust's community service with ongoing audit and development, and findings have been disseminated. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as online supplemental information.

FAQ: How should we describe children with both ADHD and language challenges?

Infographic of the week

Clinically useful resources: a training package for caregivers of young children with developmental delays, quick board games for 2-8 year olds, a thread of EBP resources for SLPs, and a video showing how to do semi-occluded vocal tract exercises!

Private practice tips for employees and owners

Shameless Showcase: a BanterSpeechPreps.com resource

And finally, reduce distraction, and increase your focus with these practical tips

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