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  • Banter Booster: speech therapy research, training, resources, practice tips, and more

Banter Booster: speech therapy research, training, resources, practice tips, and more

Hello! I'm David.

Not him, though we're both Talking Heads (anyone born after 1980 may need to Google the reference)!

I haunt Twitter, looking for free, useful speech pathology practice resources, so you don't need to!

New open-access research:

FREE Therapy Resources & Ideas for Clever Clinicians:

A fantastic grammar/syntax resource!

Love these ideas from Lauren for CAS ReST breaks:

Here's a great idea to make CVC blending practice more fun - though I would add letters to support early literacy:

Do you have any other great free resource tips? Let us know and we'll share the best ones in future newsletters!

FREE Training Opportunities for busy SLPs:

If you've been reading our recent blogs, you'll know Assistant Professor Constantino's research helped change our approach to stuttering therapy. This short talk is truly worth your time:

Private practice tips for employees, managers & owners:

Shameless Showcase: a BanterSpeechPreps.com resource:

This one was a client request! Click the image for more information:


A tip for younger SLPs to make 'those of us of a certain age' feel better about ourselves!

I've certainly had days like this in private practice!

Learn from Mr Byrne: get out of your chair regularly this week and work those hips to stay limber - especially fellow paediatric clinicians who need to get down and up from the floor!

What did you think of this week's newsletter? Let me know so we can make it better for you. Have a great week, everyone!

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