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  • Banter Booster: speech therapy research, training, resources, practice tips, and more

Banter Booster: speech therapy research, training, resources, practice tips, and more

Happy Halloween, SLPs! I'm David, and here's live footage of my end-of-year deadlines creeping up on me:

Here's what we have for you this week:

  • Free, useful resources about AAC, and sentence structures and variety

  • Free training opportunities to improve your language and literacy interventions

  • Private practice tips, including NDIS basics for small and medium-sized providers, being more productive without burning out, online resources for anxiety and insomnia, and reflective practice

  • Full-text, open-access articles on health literacy, linguistic discrimination, and ultrasound use

  • Our new sentence writing bootcamp, focusing on specific verbs and nouns

  • Perspectives on not wasting time, the interesting history of 'aks' vs. 'ask', and that strange Lorem Ipsum placeholder text!

FREE therapy resources & ideas for clever clinicians:

AAC resources and practical insights

Short videos about early developing sentence structures:

A handy model to show clients the benefits of varying sentence length:

Great example of practical public advocacy about stroke:

FREE training opportunities for busy SLPs:

Great tips for how (and why) to teach <q> as /k/ and <u> as /w/ as separate graphemes, rather than (incorrectly) as a digraph</u></q>:

Persuasive reasons we should include spaced/distributed practice more often in our interventions:

Do you know enough about ergative verbs? (I didn't!)

Private practice tips for employees, managers & owners:

For new (and confused!) providers of NDIS services, we're writing an 'NDIS basics' series, with our partner, The Provider Loft, in the lead up to Christmas. Here's the first one, starting at the very beginning:

Being productive and busy are not the same thing:

Via the wonderful SLP, Trish Bradd, a terrific free resource to improve your reflective practice:

If I had to guess, I'd say that too many SLPs experience anxiety and/or insomnia. If that includes you, here's some free online help:

FREE open-access research and research summaries:

On linguistic discrimination:Ā 

On using ultrasound:Ā 

On health literacy and lifelong communication disability:

Shameless showcase: a BanterSpeechPreps.com resource:

By popular request, we've scribed a new writing bootcamp, focused on using specific verbs, nouns, and other details to spice up sentences (click through for a preview):


A seasonal reminder not to spend time chasing old ghosts! Have a great week - especially to those of you trick or treating tonight!

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